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World AIDS Day

For Northwest Health and its RAISE program December 1st serves as an opportunity for Northwest Missouri communities to unite in the fight against HIV/AIDS, show support for those living with HIV/AIDS and to remember those who have died of HIV/AIDS.

Thirty-four million people globally have the virus and despite being discovered in 1984, over 35 million people have died of HIV or AIDS.

Why does World AIDS Day matter? World AIDS day serves as a day to remind everyone that HIV/AIDS hasn’t gone away. There is a need for fundraising, awareness, changing the stigma and educating our friends and families on what HIV/AIDS is.

What can you do on World AIDS Day? You can show your support to the millions of people living with HIV by wearing a red ribbon.

You can get tested. The St. Joseph Health Department is hosting a FREE walk-in-rapid HIV testing at 904 S. 10th in St. Joseph.

You can remember those who have lost their lives in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Zion United Church of Christ at 816 Faraon Street in St. Joseph is holding a candlelight memorial service.

If you would like to learn more about HIV/AIDS contact Northwest Health’s RAISE office for more information.

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