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Proposed Changes to the Affordable Care Act

Proposed Changes in Access to Health Coverage

 The new administration in Washington has made a few changes to health coverage for Americans. With this in mind, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed a series of provisions that uphold the White Houses’ commitment to building on the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

For instance, these updates to the ACA work to provide greater access to coverage, improve affordability for consumers and reduce the burden for issuers and consumers of healthcare. As a result, these changes look to do the following:


The proposed rules expand access to health insurance coverage through exchanges. For example, the exchange Missouri uses is The rule lengthens the annual open enrollment period and expands duties for those who can help you apply for coverage.

2022 Open Enrollment

The proposal includes an extension of the annual individual market open enrollment period for 2022 and future benefit years. This rule change gives people looking for insurance more time to get an insurance plan. This rule would affect the open enrollment period starting November 1, 2021 – January 15, 2022, and years following.

Monthly Special Enrollment Period (SEP)

 The new proposed special enrollment period provides healthcare tax credits to those with a household income no greater than 150% of the federal poverty level. To put it another way, 150% of the federal poverty level is like a family of four making $39,750 per year.

These changes commit to extend health insurance coverage to the uninsured and improve the healthcare exchanges in our states. As well as, the federal exchanges state like Missouri use. They also expand Americans’ access to comprehensive, affordable health insurance. Evidently, these changes further efforts to build on the successes of the ACA. In addition, they support the needs created by the COVID-19 public health emergency.

For more information on the proposed changes visit

Thanks for reading,

Cam Corbet is the Marketing and Communications Manager for Northwest Health Services and works with healthcare professionals to provide education on important health issues. 

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