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PrEP Awareness Week 2021

This Week is PrEP Aware Week: Many people are still unaware of PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) or have questions about PrEP. PrEP is a highly effective medication to prevent HIV. Often individuals who could benefit from PrEP mistakenly think it not affordable. Many don’t know where to access PrEP or even how to begin a conversation with a health care
provider about risk factors, etc. PrEP isn’t new. It’s been around since 2012. However, Stigma still exists around PrEP. This is often due to inaccurate information regarding side effects, etc.

If you are interested in PrEP or just have questions and would like information about PrEP–­ Northwest Health Services can help! Our Prevention Specialist would be happy to meet with you or have a phone conversation regarding Risk Factors for HIV, where to go for testing, PrEP, prescription assistance programs to cover the cost of PrEP medication and so much more! Please feel free to contact Janet Miller, Prevention Specialist @ Northwest Health @ 816-261-9720.

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