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What Is Post-Holiday Depression?

January 4, 2017 | The holiday’s have come to an end and you either have all the motivation in the world, or no motivation at all. If you find yourself with no motivation at all this new year, well, you might be dealing with post-holiday depression or as some call it, “post-holiday blues.”

According to, January 2 is like going from 60 to zero in one day. The feeling of having a clean slate to start the new year can be overwhelming for some. On top of that, everyone around you is telling their New Year’s resolutions on Facebook. “I’m going to lose 20 pounds.” “New year, new me.” Before you know it, you’re drowning in that sinking feeling.

So, what should you do?

According to Andrew J. DuBrin PhD, professor of management at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York, you should first…THINK. “Think of something positive as of this very minute,” he advises. “Say, you just got a little check from an insurance company, or your boss gave you a positive comment. Think positive.”

Studies show that many individuals tend to look back at the old year and get into a downward spiral which can lead to depression.

Susan Battley, PsyD, PhD, a leadership psychologist and clinical associate professor at State University of New York at Stony Brook, says that you should always be looking forward and setting goals for yourself. Not goals that seem overwhelming, but small short goals one step at a time to achieve a greater goal. Susan talks about the “Three Bags Full.” A bag is a big audacious goal and three is the maximum to a realistic achievement.

Big Audacious Goals

Here are some examples of big audacious goals…

  • Learn a second language. Even pecking at learning a second language can shake things up and head you in a new direction, DuBrin says. He made the Spanish-language page of the El Paso Times his computer homepage and picks through the news in Spanish every morning.
  • Change careers. Every change starts with a defining moment — maybe looking at your blank calendar of impending “same olds” can be that moment. Remember the job or city where you were happiest — how could you get back to that?
  • Volunteer. You know what they say, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person.” Doing well by doing good can make the other things in life seem more bearable. Tutor a student. Train your dog to be a therapy dog. Bake cookies and take them to the firehouse. Something!
  • Make more money. Start a second business. Find a safe place for your cash. Ever think of U.S. savings bonds? They are quite a buy now, experts say.

So, be encouraged today and motivate yourself to set your own goals. Be sure to write them down somewhere so that you can read them every day. Remember not to set unrealistic goals that you know are not achievable. Last but not least, be sure to have fun and enjoy the goals you set.

Helpful Tips

Click HERE for some tips to set and achieve your goals.

If you or someone you know is dealing with depression, please call our Behavioral Health Clinic at 816-232-4417. Northwest Health Services has full-time psychiatrists and social workers on hand to help you.

From your friends at Northwest Health Services, have a good day and stay warm!


Corey Myers is an Outreach and Enrollment Specialist and blog writer at Northwest Health Services(NHS), Corey works with wellness teams and actively volunteers across the NHS service area in Northwest Missouri.


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