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Health Center Funding Script

mom-on-computer-300x300Call your Members of Congress! Tell them that the time to fix the cliff is now!

Use this script to make it even easier to call your members of congress on National Cliff Call-In day, Thursday, march 19th. Just call 866-456-3949, enter your zip code, and be connected to your Representative and senators automatically!

In just over 200 days Health Center funding will be reduced by 70% the only way to stop this horrible reduction in funding is for Congress to ACT to fix the Health Center Funding Cliff – and we know, the only way Congress will ACT is if they hear from enough folks back home. YOU can tell Congress to ACT to fix the cliff by calling the Advocacy Hotline – it’s simple and free – read how this Health Center Advocate makes her call to Congress.

ADVOCATE: Okay, now I’m going to call my Senators. Dials 866-456-3949.

CONGRESSIONAL STAFFER 2: Senator Smith’s office, how can I help you?

ADVOCATE: Hi! My name is Elizabeth, I’m calling as an advocate of My Neighborhood Health Center in Hometown regarding the Health Center Funding Cliff. I calling to ask the Senator to please co-sign the Wicker-Stabenow Health Centers Dear Colleague Letter in support of Health Centers and to please talk with Senate Leadership about taking immediate action to stop the Health Center Funding Cliff.

CONGRESSIONAL STAFFER 2: Elizabeth, thanks for your call. I’ll make sure Senator Smith hears your message.

ADVOCATE: Thanks you!

Hangs up. <or, you can stay on the line and the system should give you the next option for the next Senate office>

ADVOCATE: Okay, one more Senator to go! Then I can get to work on collecting some more Advocate Cards and staff letters for Access is the Answer Phase Three!

There you go! That’s all it takes. Don’t forget to call on Thursday, March 19th for the Cliff Call In Day Make sure your Members of Congress know how important YOUR Community Health Center is to you and that they must act now to fix the cliff. Together, we can make sure there’s a bright future for Health Centers and the patients they serve!

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