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Diabetes and the Holidays

Oh the Holidays, right around the corner. I have always wondered if the placement of Diabetes Awareness Month is coincidence. The fact that National Diabetes month is in November, the season most notorious for derailing the most dedicated of health nuts.

For folks living with Diabetes it can be especially challenging. Although cinnamon is supposedly helpful for reducing Insulin Resistance, it probably doesn’t mean pumpkin pie is your go-to medication. But how can we still enjoy a few of our holiday favorites without undermining all the year’s good work? Planning! Being prepared is NOT just for the Boy Scouts. Living with Diabetes, it’s important to always plan ahead for special events and unexpected challenges.

Having a plan is important. Don’t arrive to the party HANGRY! Bringing your own dish/snacks will insure there will be healthful choices! Others will also appreciate your colorful options and generosity! For example: Fresh veggies and hummus, fresh fruits and cheese or nuts. Don’t play the victim. Choose the smaller plates and make mindful choices. Some yummier choices may just require smaller portions!

Laugh hard and be Merry! Be sure to make time for activity! Daily walks are not so enjoyable as the crisp cool mornings make way to blustery freezing wind chills! It’s just so important to make time for the blood sugar burning and energizing benefits of a good walk. The calming effects of a good workout can also help to combat the holiday stress overload! Plan to incorporate some extra steps on the same days as you might be taking in some extra Holiday Carbs! ENJOY your friends, family and the Spirit of the holidays… not just the food!

Check out the American Diabetes Association’s page on healthy eating for some great information on managing your diet during the holidays. You can find recipes, tips and how to get involved in your health.

Learn how you can test your blood sugar to win $500 from East Hills Shopping Center.

Northwest Health offers Diabetic education for anyone interested. To find out class times or to make an appointment for an individual sessions call (816) 901–1013

Tara Stevenson, RN, BSN, CDE is a Certified Diabetes Educator and Nurse with Northwest Health. Tara gives classes on Diabetes management and writes blogs for Northwest Health. You can find Tara at our Family Medicine Associates Clinic in St. Joseph give her a call today (816) 901-1013.



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